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confidence at the table

Michele pairs up with Valerie Biden Owens to bring confidence to the Boardroom table and the International dining table.

Confidence at the Table is a two-part training seminar designed to fine-tune one’s professional and personal presence in business. Confidence is sometimes innate, but more often it is the result of acquiring skills and learning techniques that enhance and positively reinforce growth. The two – together and independently – have led training programs for companies such as Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Ely Lilly, Exxon Mobil, GE Financial, Ernst and Young, and for organizations such as the White House Council on Women, the United Nations, and the Harvard Institute of Politics.

"Valerie and Michele led an inspirational session with our summer interns on how to project confidence at work.  Valerie laid the foundation for interacting and exuding confidence at the boardroom table, while Michele walked us through the etiquette at the dining table – spanning Asian to Western cuisine. Highly recommend this training to prepare individuals for success when it comes to navigating subtle cues and social situations in the business world." 

For course description please click here

                                               Alicia Burke

Senior Vice President, Bank of America

Valerie Biden Owens is one of the first women in the United States to have managed a modern U.S. Senatorial campaign, as well as a Presidential campaign. Mrs. Biden Owens has led every campaign in her brother Joe Biden’s political career, including his seven straight U.S. Senate victories and his run for two Democratic Presidential nominations. She has also consistently served as his principle surrogate on the campaign trail. In February 2016, Valerie was appointed Vice Chair of the Biden Foundation, and in March 2017, she also assumed the position of Vice Chair of the Biden Institute at the University of Delaware, whose mission is to influence, shape, and work to solve the most pressing domestic policy problems facing America. In February 2018, Valerie was appointed  to the MGM Public Policy Institute Advisory Board at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


Over the past 20 years, both as Executive Vice President of Joe Slade White and Co and as a volunteer trainer for Women’s Campaign International, Valerie has dedicated herself to training men and women in politics, business professionals, and students in how to develop communication and political skills. Recently, Valerie co-founded and developed the Owens Patrick Leadership Seminars. These seminars draw on her expertise as a certified trainer in body language (non-verbal communication skills), her experience in strategic messaging, her extensive international travel to train women in emerging democracies, her time as a Resident Fellow at the Institute of Politics at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and her tenure as U.S. Senior Advisor to the United Nations 71st General Assembly. Confidence at the Table, which is among her most popular seminars, is led in partnership with co-founder Michele Pollard Patrick.


Michele Pollard Patrick is a certified Protocol Officer, professional image coach and business etiquette consultant who has led corporate client trainings since 1989. She is the founder of National Protocol, Ltd., a multilevel training organization based in Washington, D.C, and co-founder of the Owens Patrick Leadership Seminars, and co-author of Executive Etiquette Power. Michele coaches corporate and government executives on interpersonal skills that instill confidence and project professionalism. Her programs have been profiled on network and cable television shows as well as featured in national newspapers and magazines. She is a member of the National Speakers Association and has been named to the faculty of The Body Language Institute, where executives learn to use body language and business etiquette to enhance their careers. She is also a Master Instructor for the Protocol School of Washington and has served as Protocol consultant to several international conferences and events, such as the G7 and The Ryder Cup.


© 2018 National Protocol Ltd

Michele Pollard Patrick


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